[1] Herewith issued out of Guisnes twelue de [...]|lances all Welshmen, in rescue of the footmen, and then all the troope of the French horssemen brake foorth and set on the Welshmen. The footmen, so long as they had anie arrowes to bestow, shot lustilie, and in the end were driuen to defend themselues with their swords. The Welshmen keeping togither, en|tered into the band of the Frenchmen, brake their speares, and after fought and laid about them with their swords, so that they made a waie, and escaped from those thrée hundred French horssemen. Of the French side were slaine thrée men and fiue horsses,The valian [...] of the We [...]men against the French. the English archers on foot selling their lines dearlie, were all slaine, for the Frenchmen would not take a|nie of them prisoners, they were so angrie for losse of their fellowes.