[1] [2] When the lord admerall had thus woone the towne of Morleis,Diuerse gen|tlemen knigh|ted by the erle of Surrie vpõ the winning of Morleis. he called to him certeine esquiers, and made them knights, as sir Francis Brian, sir An|thonie Browne, sir Richard Cornewall, sir Thomas Moore, sir Giles Huseie, sir Iohn Russell, sir Iohn Reinsford, sir George Cobham, sir Iohn Corne|wallis, sir Edward Rigleie, and diuerse other. After this they continued a while on the coast of Britaine, and disquieted the Britains by entering their ha|uens, and sometimes landing and dooing diuerse dis|pleasures to the inhabitants about the coast. After that the earle had lien a while thus on the coast of Britaine, hée was countermanded by the kings letters, who therevpon brought backe his whole fleet vnto a place called the Cow, vnder the Ile of Wight, and then went on land himselfe, discharging the more part of his people, and leauing the residue with certeine ships vnder the gouernance of the viceadmerall sir William Fitz Williams, to kéepe the seas against the French. Polydor.