[1] [2] [3] The emperor departeth out of England towards Spaine.On the first of Iulie, the emperours nauie came before Hampton, conteining an hundred and foure|score, goodlie ships. Then the emperour tooke leaue of the king, of whome he had manie great gifts, and no|table summes of monie by waie of lone; & so the sixt of Iulie he tooke his ship, and made saile to Spaine, where he arriued in safetie the tenth daie after. The king borrowed of the citie of London twentie thou|sand pounds,The king bo|roweth 20000 pounds of the citie. and deliuered priuie seales for warrant of the repaiment. None were charged but men of good wealth. The like lone was practised through all the realme, not without grudge of manie persons that were called vpon for the same. The earle of Sur|rie hauing wasted the emperour ouer to the coast of Biscaie, vpon his returne finding the wind fauoura|ble, according to his instructions, made to the coast of Britaine, and landing with his people in number seuen thousand, about fiue miles from Morleis, mar|ched thither, and assaulting the towne, wan it.