[1] Now before the emperour was thus come to Winchester, the earle of Surrie being high adme|rall of England,Erle of Sur|rie high adme|rall of Eng|land. was come to Hampton with all the kings nauie, & with him the lord Fitz Walter, the baron Curson, sir Nicholas Carew, sir Richard Wingfield, sir Richard Ierningham, Francis Bri|an, sir William Barentine, sir Adrian Foskew, sir Edward Donne, sir Edward Chamberleine, sir Richard Cornwall, sir Anthonie Poines, sir Henrie Shirborne, and the viceadmerall sir William Fitz Williams, sir Edmund Braie, sir Giles Capell, sir William Pirton, Iohn Cornwallis, sir Iohn Wal|lop, sir Edward Echingham, sir William Sidneie, Anthonie Browne, Giles Husie, Thomas Moore, Iohn Russel, Edward Bray, Henrie Owen, George Cobham, Thomas Oldhall, Thomas Louell, Robert [page 874] Ierningham, Anthonie Kneuet, sir Iohn Trema [...]le, and sir William Skeuington the maister of the kings ordinance, & Iohn Fabian sergeant at armes, by whome this enterprise was chieflie mooued, with diuerse others, which in the end of Iune departed from Hampton, noising that they should onelie scowre the seas for safegard of the emperour and his nauie.