[1] There were sent to the sea, vnder conduct of sir William Fitz Williams viceadmerall,The nauie [...]. twentie & eight goodlie ships well manned and trimmed for the warres, & seuen other ships were sent toward Scot|land, which entered the Forth, and proffered to enter the Scotish ships that laie in the hauens: but the Scots ran their ships aland, and the Englishmen followed with boats, landed, and set the ships on fire, & at Leith tooke certeine prisoners, which they brought into England; and still the kings great nauie kept the narrow seas: for then was neither peace betwixt England and France, nor open warres. The king vnderstanding that the emperor would come to Ca|lis, so to passe into England, as he went towards Spaine, appointed the lord marquesse Dorset to go to Calis, there to receiue him, and likewise the lord cardinall was appointed to receiue him at Do|uer.