[1] Herewith also, all the Frenchmen in London were arrested,The French| [...] in Lõdon [...] arested a [...]d put to [...] fines. [...] committed to prison, and put to their fines: but they were more courteouslie vsed than the Englishmen were in France. For after they had béene in durance ten daies, they were set at libertie, vpon finding suerties to appeare before the maior, or else before the councell at a certeine daie, and to paie the fine vpon them assessed, which fine the king par|doned to diuerse of the poorest sort. But in compari|son of the Scotish nation,If the Scots [...] England [...]p [...]ehended [...]. fined you would haue said, the Frenchmen were in small displeasure: for not one|lie those that were borne in Scotland, but also diuers northernmen borne, within English ground, for en|uious spite called Scots, were apprehended, impriso|ned, and grieuouslie fined, although some of them by streict inquirie tried to be Englishmen, escaped without paieng the fine.