[1] [2] The king, Anno Reg [...] vnderstanding how his subiects were handled at Burdeaux by the French kings com|mandement [page 873] in breach of the league, [...] French [...]bassador is [...] before [...] councell. the French am|bassadour was called before the councell, and the car|dinall laid sore to his charge, that contrarie to his pro|mise at all times on the French king his maisters behalfe, affirming that he ment nothing but peace and amitie to be obserued in all points with the king of England: yet now the English merchants had not onelie their goods staied at Burdeaux, but also they and their factors were laid in prison, in full breach of all peace and amitie afore time concluded. The ambassadour in woords so well as hée could ex|cused his maister, but in the end hée was comman|ded to keepe his house: and the French hostages that were appointed héere to remaine for the monie to be paid for the deliuerie of Tornaie, were com|mitted vnto the safe kéeping of the lord of Saint Iohns, sir Thomas Louell, sir Andrew Windsor, and sir Thomas Neuill, euerie of them to haue one.