[1] The eight of Februarie, the lord Dacres, warden of the marches fore aneinst Scotland, entered into Scotland with fiue hundred men, by the kings com|mandement, & there proclamed, that the Scots should come in to the kings peace, by the first of March fol|lowing, or else to stand at their perils; the duke of Al|banie being then within fiue miles with a mightie power of Scots. The eleuenth of Februarie, the lord of Aburgauennie was brought from the Tower to Westminster,The [...] of Aburg [...]ue [...]nie arreign [...]d at Westmin|ster. and there in the kings bench confessed his indictment of mispris [...]on. The lord Montacute was about the same time restored vnto the kings fa|uour. ¶ On the second of March, certeine noble men of the empire, arriued in England, to passe into Spaine, who were honourablie receiued; and in ho|nour of them, great iusts and triumphs were made, which being finished and doone, they tooke their leaue and departed on their iournie.