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The title of Def [...]ndor of the [...]aith gi|uen [...] the [...] Eng|land and his successors for e [...]er.

I. S. pag. 930. King Henrie wrote against Luther.

Abr. Fl. ex adm. A.G. ad Ang. & Scot. ex [...]us. Gen. 1558. in fol. 69.

On the second daie of Februarie, the king as then being at Gréenewich, receiued a bull from the pope, whereby he was declared Defendor of the Christian faith & likewise his successors for euer. The cardinall of Yorke sang the high masse that daie with all the pompous solemnitie that might be, and gaue cleane r [...]mission of sinnes to all that heard it. This title was ascribed vnto the king, bicause he had written a booke against Luther in Germanie; wherevnto the said Luther answered verie sharpelie, nothing spa|ring his authoritie nor maiestie. ¶ Of which booke published by the king, I will not (for reuerence of his roiallic) though I durst, report what I haue read: bicause we are to iudge honourablie of our ru|lers, and to speake nothing but good of the princes of the people. Onelie this bréefe clause or fragment I will adde (least I might seeme to tell a tale of the man in the moone) that king Henrie in his said booke is reported to rage against the diuell and antichrist, to cast out his some against Luther, to rase out the name of the pope, and yet to allow his law, &c. I sup|presse the rest for shame, and returne to our historie.]