[1] [2] [...] In this meane while, the warre was pursued be|twixt the emperour & the French king, as well on the confines towards Flanders, as beyond the moun|teins in the parties of Lombardie. Tornaie was be|sieged by the lord Hugh de Moncada, a Spaniard, the which comming vpon the sudden, tooke manie abroad in the fields, yer they knew of his approch, and after this, comming before the citie, he inuironed it with a siege, to kéepe the citizens from stirring foorth, and sent part of his armie with the light horsemen to for|laie the stréets and passages, that no succour should come to them within. The French king assembled an armie, in hope to aid them of Tornaie with men, mu|nitions, and vittels, the which armie assaied twise or thrise with all endeuor, to haue approched the citie: but in vaine, for with no small losse the French were re|pelled by the imperials, which neuerthelesse felt their part of slaughter, loosing sundrie of their capteins, as bastard Emerie, [...]. Hall. and the capteine of Gant. Finallie, the French armie brake vp, & was dispersed into for|tresses. Wherevpon they of Tornaie perceiuing the succours which they hoped for, [...] deli| [...] vp to [...] [...]peror. to faile them thus at néed, rendered the citie to the emperor the last of No|uember, in this 13 yeare of king Henries reigne.