[1] The cardinall after he had soiorned in Bruges the space of thirtéene daies,The [...] receiueth the cardinall with great honour at Bruges and concluded diuerse mat|ters with the emperour, and accomplished his com|mission, he tooke leaue of his maiestie, and by con|uenient iorneis returned to Calis, where the ambas|sadors of France taried his comming: and immedi|atlie after his returne to Calis, he treated with them of peace, but not so earnestlie as he did before. In fine, nothing was concluded, but onelie that fisher|men of both the princes might fréelie fish on the seas without disturbance, till the second of Februarie next. When no conclusion of agréement could be ac|corded, the cardinall sent to the emperour the lord of S. Iohns, and sir Thomas Bullen knight, to aduer|tise his maiestie what had béene doone, and likewise to the French king, as then lieng in campe with a mightie armie in the marches about Cambreie. The earle of Worcester and the bishop of Elie were sent to informe him of all things that had béene moti|oned, exhorting him to incline to peace, but he gaue little eare thereto: and then after they had béene a ninetéene or twentie daies in his host they returned. During the continuance of the cardinall in Calis,Cardinall Woolsie car|rieth the great seale with him to Calis, & then sealeth writs and patents all writs and patents were there by him sealed, and no shiriffes chosen for lacke of his presence, hauing there with him the great seale, & full power in things, as if the king had béene there in person. ¶Ambassa|dors comming from the king of Hungarie towards the king of England, were receiued honourablie of the Cardinall during his abode in Calis.