[1] [2] In this meane while, were the emperour and the French king fallen at variance, so that the warre was renewed betwixt them; for the pacifieng wherof, the cardinall of Yorke was sent ouer to Calis, where the ambassadours of both those princes were appoin|ted to come to him.Cardinall Woolsie sent ouer to Calis. He arriued there the second of August. There went ouer with him the erle of Wor|cester, then lord chamberleine, the lord of S. Iohns, the lord Ferrers, the lord Herbert, the bishop of Du|resme, the bishop of Elie, the primat of Armacane, sir Thomas Bullen, sir Iohn Pechie, sir Iohn Hus|sie, sir Richard Wingfield, sir Henrie Guilford, and manie other knights, esquiers, gentlemen, doctors, and learned men. Thus honourablie accompanied he rode thorough London the twentie fift daie of Iulie, Edw. Hall in H. 8. fol. lxxxvj. and at Thomas Beckets house the maior and alder|men tooke leaue of him, praieng God to send him good spéed. Thus passed he to Canturburie, where the archbishop of Canturburie and others receiued him in his statelinesse, and brought him vnto his lodging vnder a canopie to the bishops palace. On the eight daie of Iulie he came to Douer. On the twentith he & the other lords with their retinues tooke passage, and arriued at Calis in safetie, where the lord depu|tie and the councell receiued them with much honour and lodged the cardinall in the Staple hall.