20.1. A conuenient collection concerning the high constables of England, which office ceassed and tooke end at the duke of Buckingham aboue mentioned.
A conuenient collection concerning the high constables of England, which office ceassed and tooke end at the duke of Buckingham aboue mentioned.
_THe death of this duke of Buckingham,The collection of Fr. Thin in this yere 1585. being the last constable of England, dooth present apt place to me wherein to insert the names of all such honorable persons as haue béene inuested with that title of the consta|bleship of England, an office of great account, & such [page 866] as sometime was the chéefest place of a temporall subiect in the relme the (high steward excepted) whose power did extend to restreine some actions of the kings. Wherefore being now no such office (for ther [...] was neuer anie aduanced therevnto since the behea|ding of this duke) I thinke it not vuméet to make some memorie of those persons possessing so high a place, least both they and their office might hereaf|ter grow in vtter obliuion: these therefore they were.
Alfgarus Stallere.Alfgarus Stallere, constable to Edward the Con|fessor, of whome thus writeth the historie of Elie in the second booke written by Richard of Elie a moonke of that house, in the time of Henrie the se|cond, whose words although they be somewhat long, I shall not gréeue to set downe in this sort. De famosa villa Estre, alio nomine Plassie vocata, dicendum est quàm mi|serè ab Elie est destracta. Alfgarus quidem Stallere, quod La|tinè dux dicitur, eam inuasit, & vsus estea. Abbas verò Wolfricus & fratres, cùm sedulò frustra requirerent, Ed|wardum Confessorem adeunt, cui rex mandauit, vt restitue|ret: sed ille regijs iussis nequaquam obtemperanit. Fratres au|tem, cùm nec prece nec precio eius animum flectere potuis|sent, anathematizant eum, nec sententiam super eum vllo dic praetermittebant.
Quod ille diutiùs paruipendens, licèt magnus & potens in regno esset (vti regis constabularius) ab ecclesia eliminatus, & fidelium consortio ad correptionem (vix iam cunctis dete|stabilis effectus) compulsus peruenire, tandem (plurimùm ob|iurgatus & correptus à rege) reuersus est in se, & prece tandem nititur obtinere quod iniqua manu cunctatus non est. Illi verò hoc cognoscentes, illi annunt, demiserúnt ei (quam|uis ad suum incommodum) ita vt iureiurando postipsius vi|tam ab omni suorum inquietudine libera ad ecclesiam possessio rediret. Quod quidem factum est, & scripto Anglici sermo|nis designatum. Testes rex Edwardus & regina, &c. Which man (after the death of king Edward the Confessor and Harold the vsurper) was when the Normans en|tered England, as saith the said historie In ergastulo plurimis alijs ferro astrictus vsque ad mortem.
Walter of Glocester.Walter constable of England in the time of William the Conquerour, and of William Rufus succeeded Alfgarus. Here (before I saie anie more) I thinke it not amisse to set downe somewhat tou|ching William Fitz Osberne, or Osbert earle of Hereford, whome manie will haue to be constable in the time of the Conquerour: which truelie I can not as yet be led to beleeue. For although that this Wil|liam was the onelie man, who both persuaded incou|raged, and procured aid of others to assist William Conquerour for the obteining of England; and that this man was (as we commonlie saie) the onelie right hand, chéefe compeller, and disposer of the kingdome, after that William the Conquerour had obteined the same, being also Tribunus militum of all the armie that William Conquerour led into Eng|land, and the man that persuaded the bishop of Sam|borrow to compound for the title of the king of Den|marke made vnto England: yet I suppose him not to be constable, but onelie marshall of England; or at the least if he were, it could not be verie long. For that this earle was extreame old, departed the realme, and disposed all the affaires of the Norman bastard beyond the seas, and died about the yeare of our redemption 1072, being about the eight yeare of the reigne of William Conquerour.
Milo of Here|ford.Milo the sonne of the said Walter, an enimie to king Stephan (who yet confirmed him in his fathers inheritance) was aduanced first to great honors by Henrie the first: who méeting Mawd the empresse at Bristow, and taking hir for lawfull quéene, did con|tinuallie follow hir faction: for which she, in the sixt yeare of king Stephan, to honour him for his good seruice (as appeareth by the charter thereof) gaue him the earledome of Hereford, constableship of Eng|gland, the castell of Bironell, & the forrest of Deane. He was lord also of Breckenocke. He translated the chanons of the monasterie of saint Iohns of Lan|thonie, in the yeare of our redemption 1103, being the fourth yeare of king Henrie the first, to a place néere Glocester, then called Hide, and since Lantho|nie; as Iohn Stow hath well noted out of other au|thors.
He married Sibilla the daughter of Bernard Newmarch, a nobleman of Normandie, who obtei|ned by conquest the lordship of Breckenocke: by whome he had issue fiue sonnes and thrée daughters. The sonnes were Roger, Walter, Henrie, Willi|am and Mahaell. His three daughters were, Marga|ret, married to Humfreie Bohune; Bertha the se|cond was married to Philip Bruse, created by king Stephan lord of Bruse, Gower, Bauld, & Brimble, and in his wiues right lord of Breckenocke; Lucia married to Herebert the sonne of Herebert, base sonne to Henrie the first, who was (in hir right) lord of the forrest of Deane: he died in the eight or (as o|thers haue) the ninth yeare of king Stephan, being the yeare of our redemption 1143.
William (the sonne of Walter Beauchampe) shiriffe of Worcester,William Beaucha [...] was made high constable of England by king Stephan, in the fift yeare of his reigne, being in the yeare of our redemption 1139, when the king was at Worcester: which honour he tooke from Miles of Glocester; as saith that painefull antiquarie Iohn Stow in his chronicle printed in the yeare of our Lord 1580, fol. 191.
Roger the sonne of Milo succéeded his father in all his inheritance, as well of the earledome,Roger fitz Milo. as o|therwise: whereby he was in time following also constable of England, and (as it is most probable) re|stored to that office by Henrie the second; for that he was a great enimie to king Stephan. He went a|mongest others with Henrie Fitz Empresse to Da|uid king of Scots, who knighted the said Henrie in the fouretéenth yeare of king Stephan: he married Cicilie the daughter of Iohn Fitz Paine, and died without issue.
Walter second sonne to Milo,Walter fitz Milo. after the death of his brother Roger was earle of Hereford, constable of England, and lord ouer Gwenthie or Wenthie: he builded in the time of Henrie the first the castels of Glocester, Bristow, and Rochester, with the Tower of London: he held the land of Wenthie by long time, who hauing no heire of his bodie gaue the same land to Henrie of Hereford, and for saking the world tooke monasticall habit on him at Lanthonie, where he was buried, dieng without issue.
Henrie of Hereford the sonne of Milo,Henrie of Hereford. after the enterance of Walter his brother into religion, was earle of Hereford, constable of England, and lord of Breckenocke and Deane; who was in Wenthie at a conflict slaine by his owne men, and buried at Lan|thonie with Walter the constable: after whose death Henrie the second deputed Iago ap Seisell to the cu|stodie of the land of Wenthie.
William the sonne of Milo,William fitz Milo. and brother to Hen|rie of Hereford, was constable of England, after the death of his brother, and died without issue.
Mahaell the yoongest sonne of Milo,Mahaell fitz Milo. after the death of William, was constable of England, who died without issue: whome I feare not to place as constable, since all histories agrée that all the sons of Milo did successiuelie inioie that office, after whome the inheritance comming to their sister, whereof the eldest called Margaret (or Margerie) was married to Humfrie Bohuno, which line of the Bohunes be|came afterwards constables of England by inheri|tance.
[page 867] [...] Humfrie de Bohune, steward to Henrie the first, (the sonne of Humfrie de Bohune, steward in house to William Rufus, sonne to Humfrie de Bohune that came in with the Conquerour) was (in the right of his wife Margerie one of the daughters and heire of the foresaid Milo) constable of England, he had issue Humfrie de Bohune.
[...] Humfrie de Bohune, constable of England, mar|ried Margaret sister to William king of Scots and daughter to the earle of Huntington, moother to Conon earle of Britaine: he had issue Henrie. This Margaret died the third of king Iohn, being the yeare of Christ 1201. And this Humfrie also died in the time of king Iohn, as some haue: or rather (as others haue) in the time of king Richard the first.
[...] Henrie de Bohune, the sonne of the said Hum|frie and Margaret, was the first earle of Hereford of that name of the Bohunes, contrarie to that re|ceiued error, which hitherto hath made the other Bo|hunes earle of Hereford: and contrarie to the prin|ted pedegrée of the deceassed father of the earle of Essex now liuing. For this man, being the first erle of the Bohunes, was made earle of Hereford in the first yeare of king Iohn, as the charter dooth wit|nesse. He was also constable of England, and mar|ried Mawd, the daughter and heire of Geffrie lord Ludgarsall sometime earle of Essex, in whose right hir husband was intituled to that honor of the earle|dome of Essex, by whome he had issue Humfrie his heire. He died about the fourth yeare of Henrie the third, being the yeare of our redemption 1220, in his iournie as he went to Ierusalem with other noble|men.
[...] Humfrie de Bohune sonne of Henrie, being the second of that name that was erle of Hereford, was also earle of Essex and constable of England, being by all men termed La bone counte de Hereford. He married Mawd the daughter of the earle of Oxie in Normandie, he had issue Humfrie de Bohune that was taken in the yeare of Christ 1265, being the for|tie & ninth of king Henrie the third at the battell of Euesham, and died in the life of his father, leauing behind him a sonne called Humfrie, heire to him and to his father, which Humfrie the father died in the yeare of our redemption 1275, being the third yeare of king Edward the first.
Humfrie de Bohune.Humfrie de Bohune the third earle of Hereford of that name, the sonne of Humfrie Bohune slaine at the battell of Euesham, was after the death of his grandfather erle of Hereford and Essex, and con|stable of England, he married Mawd de Ferens, or Frenis, and had issue Humfrie, this earle died in the yeare of our redemption 1298, being the twentie sixt of Edward the first, & was buried at Walden with his wife Mawd.
Humfrie de Bohune.Humfrie de Bohune the fourth erle of Hereford of that name, was earle of Hereford, Essex, and con|stable of England, he married Elizabeth the daugh|ter to king Edward the first, and widow to Iohn earle of Holland, he had issue Iohn erle of Hereford, Humfrie earle of Hereford, and William earle of Northhampton. This Humfrie taking part with Thomas earle of Lancaster was slaine at Borro|bridge by a Welshman standing vnder a bridge that thrust him thorough with a speare, in the fouretéenth yeare of the reigne of king Edward the second, be|ing the yeare of our redemption 1321.
[...] Iohn de Bohune the eldest sonne of this Humfrie, being the fi [...]t earle of Hereford, was after the death of his father earle of Hereford, Essex, and constable of England, he married the daughter of Edmund Fitz Alen earle of Arundell, and died without issue in the yeare of Christ 1335, being the ninth yeare of king Edward the third. He was buried in the ab|beie of Stratford besides London.
Humfrie de Bohune sixt earle of Hereford,Humfrie de Bohune. being brother to Iohn de Bohune, whome he succeeded, was after the death of his brother earle of Hereford and Essex, and constable of England, he died without issue in the yeare of our Lord 1361, being the thirtie fift of king Edward the third, and was buried at the Augustine friers in London.
William de Bohune seuenth erle of Hereford of that surname,William de Bohune. being the sonne of the other Humfrie and brother to the last Humfrie, was at a parlement holden in the tenth yeare of the reigne of king Ed|ward the third, being in the yeare of our Lord 1336, created earle of Northhampton, and after the death of his brother Humfrie, he was earle of Hereford and Essex, and constable of England. He was in the eighteenth yeare of Edward the third, being the yere of Christ 1344, sent into Britaine as generall ouer the English armie, to restore Iohn de Montford to the dukedome of Britaine: which he did, putting Charles de Blois to flight. He married Elizabeth some saie Eleanor, one of the daughters and heires of Bartholomew Bladesmere baron of Bedes in Kent, by whome he had issue Humfrie.
Humfrie de Bohune, the eight & last erle of Here|ford of that surname of Bohune,Humfrie de Bohune. was after the death of William his father earle of Hereford, Essex and Northampton, and constable of England. He aug|mented the castell of Brecnocke, first built by Ber|nard Newmarch. He in the eight and twentith yere of Edward the third (as Iohn Stow noteth) being the yeare of Christ 1354, reedified the frier Augustines church in London, in which he was buried. He ma|ried Ione the daughter of Richard Fitz Alen erle of Arundell, by whome he had issue two daughters and heires, Eleanor the eldest, maried to Thomas of Woodstocke; and Marie the second, maried to Henrie of Bollingbrooke, after king of England, by the name of king Henrie the fourth.
Thomas of Woodstocke the sixt sonne to king Edward the third,Thomas of Woodstocke. was created earle of Bucking|ham, in the first yeare of Richard the second at his co|ronation, being the yeare of our Lord 1377, and after duke of Glocester, in the eight yeare of Richard the second 1385. He maried Eleanor eldest daughter of Humfreie Bohune (as before) in whose right he was earle of Essex, Northampton, and constable of Eng|land, besides which he was also lord of Brecnocke. He had issue one son & foure daughters: his sonne was Humfreie erle of Buckingham, whom K. Richard (after the murthering of his father at Calis) sent in|to Ireland, where he remained as prisoner vntill the time of king Henrie the fourth, which called him home: who returning into England, died of the plague without issue at Chester: after whome his moother liued not long. Of whose death thus writeth that worthie poet sir Iohn Gower knight, liuing at that time, in his booke of the historie of Richard the second, and Henrie the fourth, commonlie taken as part of his worke intituled & named, Vox clamantis:
Interea transit moriens nec in orbe remansit,Humfredus dictus reddit ille Deo benedictus,Defuncto nato cito post de fine beato,Mater transiuit dum nati funera sciuit,Primo decessit The duke of Glocester, bi|cause the swan was his cognisance. Cignus, dolor vnde repressitMatrem cum pullo sibi mors nec parcit in vllo.The foure daughters, heires to Thomas of Woodstocke & their brother Humfreie, were Anne the eldest, married to Edmund Stafford erle Staf|ford, who had issue Humfreie erle of Stafford, Here|ford, & Northampton, lord of Brecknocke, &c: which Anne after the death of erle Staffor [...] [...]aid the second time marie William vicont Bou [...] [...] created erle of Ewe in France: the second daughter was Phi|lip, [page 868] which died without issue: the third Ione, was ma|ried to Gilbert lord Talbot: the fourth Isabell, was a religious person at the Minories in London. This duke of Glocester was murthered at Calis about the yeare of Christ 1398, being the 22 yeare of Ri|chard the second, touching whose life and death, with the maner thereof, thus writeth the said sir Iohn Gower, in the same booke intituled Vox clamantis:
A little after which followeth these verses, touching the deniall of buriall to be granted vnto him among the rest of his honourable and roiall ancestors:O quàm fortuna stabilis non permanet vna,Exemplum cuius stat in ordine carminis huius,Rex agit, & Cygnus patitur de corde benignus,Ille prostratus non est de rege leuatus,Ad Plessye captus tunc est velut hostia raptus,Rex iubet arma geri, nec eo voluit misereri,Cum sponsa nati lugent quasi morte grauati,Plúss lupo saeuit rex dummodo foemina fleuit,Nil pietas munit quem tunc manus inuida punit,Rex stetit obliquus nec erat tunc vnus amicus,O regale genus, princeps quasi pauper egenus,Turpiter attractus iacet & sine iure subactus,Sunt ibi fautores regis de sorte priores,Qui Cygnum pendent, vbi captum ducere tendent,Sic ducendo ducem, perdit sine lumine lucem,Anglia quae tota tenebrescit luce remota,Trans mare natauit, regnum qui semper amauit,Flent centum mille, quia Cygnus praeterit ille,Calisij portus petit vnde dolus latet ortus,Error quem regis genuit putredine legis,Carcere conclusus subitò fuit ille reclusus,Nescit quo fine sit vitae siue ruinae,Tunc rex elatum sumpsit quasi falco volatum,Vnde suas gentes perdit custode carentes.Of the maner also of whole death the said sir Iohn Gower hath set downe these thrée following verses:Sic nece deuictum, sic corpus ab hoste relictum,Clam de conclaui, susceperat Anglia naui,Per mare regreditur, corpus nec ad huc sepelitur,Nám sepulturam, defendit rex sibi puram,Desuper à latere, patris loca iusta ten [...]r [...],Dummodo quaesiuit, vix bassa sepulchra subiuit.His wife Elenor died the third of October, in the yeare of our redemption 1399, being the first yeare of king Henrie the fourth, and was buried at West|minster on the south side of king Edward the third with this epitaph:Heu quàm to [...]torum quidam de sorte malorum,Sic ducis electi plumarum pondere lecti,Corpus quassatum iugulánt necara iugulatum.Icy gist Elenor de Bohune aysne fille & vn des heyres a honorable seigneur monseigneour Hum|phrey de Bohune, countie de Hereford, & de Essex, & de Northampton, & constable d'Angliterre, fem|me a puissant [...]ble prince Thomas Woodstocke fi [...]z tresexc [...]lle [...] & trespuissant seigneiur Edwarde roy d'Anglite [...]re pius le cóquest tierce, duc de Glo|cester, que mo [...]ust tierce i [...]ure de October lan du grace 1399, de que alme Dieux fait mercye.Edward Plantagenet sonne to Edmund of Langleie,Edward Plantagenet. was by Richard the second created earle of Rutland, and duke of Albemerle, who being con|stable of England arriued in the thrée and twentith yeare of Richard the second, and in the yeare of our Lord 1399 in Ireland, to bring aid to the king being there in warre. Of this man is more liberall dis|course in my folowing treatise of the dukes of Eng|land.
Henrie Persie lord Persie, the sixt lord, and the first earle of Northumberland of that name,Henrie Persie was ad|uanced to that [...]onourable title of earle at the coro|nation of king Richard the second, in the yeare of our redemption 1377. He was made high constable of England by Henrie the fourth, then elected but not crowned king of England, bicause the said earle did giue that ring to the king whereby he was wed|ded to the kingdome of England, to whome also the king gaue the Ile of man to beare the sword with which he entered the realme. He in the fourth yeare of king Henrie the fourth, being the yeare of Christ 1403, rebelled against the king: but after comming to the king vpon sending for, he was pardoned his life, but commited to safe custodie. After which, in the fift yeare of that king, he was at a parlement hol|den at London restored to his estate and dignitie, who the yeare following, being the sixt of Henrie the fourth, and the yeare of Christ 1405, againe rebel|led, and after fled into Scotland, to Dauid lord Fle|ming who receiued him, and in the seuenth yeare of Henrie the fourth, being the yere of our redemption 1506, as saith Iohn Stow.
This Dauid persuaded the erle to flie into Wales, for which cause the Scots slue the said Dauid. After this, in the ninth yeare of Henrie the fourth, he came into England, raised the people, and was slaine at Broom [...]ham neere to Hasewood, in a conflict had with him by Thomas Rockleie shiriffe of Yorkshire. He married two wiues, the first was Margaret daugh|ter to Rafe lord Neuill, by whome he had issue Hen|rie Persie, surnamed Hotspurre (slaine at the battell of Shrewesburie in the fourth yeare of Henrie the fourth in his fathers life) Thomas and Rafe. His se|cond wife was Mawd, daughter to Thomas lord Lucie, and sister and heire to Anthonie lord Lucie baron of Cockermouth, being before the widow of Gilbert Humfreuill called the earle of Angus. This ladie Mawd gaue to hir husband the lordship and ca|stell of Cockermouth, whereby the earles of Nor|thumberland are bound still to beare the armes of Lucie.
Iohn duke of Bedford the sonne and brother of kings (for so he calleth himselfe in the precept to sum|mon Reginald lord Greie,Iohn of [...]ford. & sir Edward Hastings knight, to determine the controuersie for bearing of the armes of Hastings earle of Penbroke in the marshals court) was earle of Richmond and Ken|dall, and constable of England, being aduanced to that office about the eight yeare of Henrie the fourth his father, being the yeare of our redemption 1406, of whome there is more mention in the following discourse of the protectors of England.
Humfrie earle of Stafford, Hereford,Humfrie Stafford. and North|hampton, lord of Breenocke, Holdernesse, and of Cambridge, and constable of England, and of Do|uer castell, in the eight yeare of king Henrie the sixt, being the yeare of Christ 1430, went into France with Henrie the sixt to attend his coronation at Pa|ris. He was created duke of Buckingham in the two and twentith yeare of Henrie the sixt, being the yeare of Christ 1444. He was slaine at the battell of Northampton in the eight and thirtith yeare of king Henrie the sixt, being the yeare of our Lord 1460, he maried Anne daughter to Rafe Neuil erle of West|merland: he had amongst manie other of his chil|dren Humfrie his eldest sonne earle Stafford, hurt (as hath Iohn Stow) with an arrow in the right hand at the battell of saint Albons in the three and thirtith yeare of Henrie the sixt, being the yeare of our Lord 1455, of which battell of saint Albons thus writeth Iohn Whethamsted a learned abbat of that h [...]use:
Dum Maius madidi flos flo [...] uit imbribus austri,Mollibus & Zephyrus refouerat flatilus aruos,Flora velut regnans herbis ditauerat hort [...]s,Post glacies inopes hos fecerat & locuple [...]es,Sic r [...]pidis stilbon prae [...]onibus vndí regnumRepleuerat nimis, sic latè sta [...]serat ipses,Vt [...] villam tandem tantus peruaserat is [...]am[page 869] Illorum numerus quod vlx euaderet vnus,Quin spolium lueret, spoliantes vel trepidaret.A [...]cidit ex causa spoliatio tam grauis ista,Mars coeli dominus fuerat tunc, & soror eiusIn terris domina belli Bellona vocata,Vnde malum multis signanter partibus istisContigit, & bellum fuit istic grande peractum,[...] Sanguis & effusus multus, dux est iugulatusIllius pugnae quae fertur causa fuisse.Bello finito, strepitu quó pacificato,Indultum est praedae, praedones quippe fuereVictores omnes, nulli quasi compatientes.Tunc rex, tunc proceres, tunc villani quó plures,[...] Ac alij varij fuerant rebus spoliati,Attamen ecclesia, simul ecclesiae bona cunctaT [...]e abbeie of [...]. Intra quae fuerant, sub clausurá iacebant,Manserunt salua nec ei res defuit vlla.Laus igitur domino, laus in specié patrono,Cuius per media stabant sua singula salua,Saluis & in cuncti [...] simul abbas frater & omnis.Spiritus ille bonus sine fallo spiritus almus,Ad villam regem qui direxit venientemIllius ad medium, nec tunc permiserat ipsum[...] Ecclesiam petere, conseruauit sua quaeque.Sed patronus erat qui pro monachis mediarat,A raptore locúm suum seruauit, & omnemIpsius ornatum fedari nec siuit ipsum.S [...]rex intrasset, secúm ducem sociasset,R [...]h. Plan|tigenet duke of Yorke. Valuas ecclesiae, paruissent cuncta rapinae,Nec poterat furias quisquam compescere plebis.Laus igitur domino, rursus rursus patrono,Stat locusis [...]e suo saluus munimine so [...]oSalua supposita, sua salua iocalia cuncta.Iohn Tip|toth or Tiptost.Iohn Tiptoth or Tiptost knight, the son of Iohn lord Tiptost, and of Ioice his wife, second daughter to Edmund Charleton lord Powes, was treasuror of the realme in Michaelmasse tearme in the tenth yere of Henrie the fourth, after which he was againe admitted to that office in the one and thirtith and two and thirtith yeare of Henrie the sixt, from which place being once more remooued, he was the third time ad|uanced to the honor of lord treasuror of England in the second of Edward the fourth, and continued the same in the third of the said king. He was created earle of Worcester in the time of king Henrie the sixt. This man in the yeare 1470, being the tenth of king Edward the fourth, tooke his part against the duke of Clarence, and Richard Neuill earle of Warwike, at what time the said duke and earle be|ing discomfited, sled to the sea side, and thence sailed to Southhampton, where they thought to haue had the Trinitie a great ship of the earle of Warwikes; but the lord Scales the queenes brother fought with them, and inforced them to flie into France.
Wherevpon king Edward the fourth came to Southhampton and caused Tiptost earle of Worce|ster to sit in iudgement vpon certeine gentlemen, as Clapham and others, taken at the same skirmish of Southhampton, where the earle caused the bodies of certeine condemned men, after that they were han|ged to be thrust thorough the fundament vp to the head with stakes, for the which crueltie he and others fell into indignation of the common people. Before which in the eight yeare of king Edward, he was with Iohn Dudleie made constable of the Tower, during their liues, and the longer liuer of them two.
After this in the said yeare 1470, being the tenth of Edward the fourth, in which Henrie the sixt readepted the crowne of England, which yeare of Henrie the sixt is called in the law bookes, the fourtie & ninth yere of the reigne of K. Henrie the sixt. This earle of Worcester was taken in the top of an high trée in the forest of Weibridge in Huntingtonshire, brought to London, and at a parlement arrested and condemned to death, by sir Iohn Uere earle of Ox|ford. Whervpon he was beheded at Tower hill, and buried in the blacke friers of London. He had three wiues, wherof the first was called Cicilie the daugh|ter of Richard earle of Salisburie: the second Eli|zabeth the daughter of Robert Greindoure: the third was Elizabeth, after married to sir William Stan|leie, which Iohn had by his third wife Edward lord Tiptost who died without issue, & so the inheritance went to the sisters of the said earle Iohn Tiptost.
And here I thinke it not amisse to say somewhat of the lord Beaumont,Lord Beau|mont who being in our chronicles named constable of England (as may appeare in the fiue and twentith yeare of Henrie the sixt, in which yeare he arrested Humfrie duke of Glocester) that for any thing that I can yet sée or learne, this Beau|mont was not constable by patent during his life, but for the present time to execute the princes plea|sure, and therefore not méet in this discourse to haue anie speciall place amongest such as were consta|bles of England, either by descent or patent.
Sir Richard Wooduile knight, earle Riuers,Richard Wooduile. was high constable of England in the fourth yere of king Edward the fourth, of whom is more large mention in the following discourse of the treasurors of Eng|land in the historie of the reigne of quéene Elizabeth.
George Plantagenet,George Plantagenet second sonne to Richard duke of Yorke, was created amongst other estates duke of Clarence, in the yeare of our redemption 1461, being the first yeare of king Edward the fourth immediatlie vpon his coronation, and was made constable of England in the time of Edward the fourth. He in the eight of Edward the fourth, a|bout the yeare of Christ 1468, maried Isabell the el|dest daughter of Richard Neuill earle of Warwike and Salisburie, by whom he had issue Edward earle of Warwike and Salisburie, borne vpon the sea in the hauen of Calis, who was in the time of Richard the third a continuall prisoner, and so hauing béene a prisoner, and thereto borne by a certeine fatall desti|nie, was in the yere of our redemption 1485, being the first of king Henrie the seuenth committed to custodie in the Tower, where he continued all the rest of his life, & was beheaded at Tower hill in the fiftéenth yeare of king Henrie the seuenth, being the yeare of Christ 1499, & was buried at Birsam néere to his ancestors. Besides this Edward, this George duke of Clarence had issue a daughter called Mar|garet, created by king Henrie the eight countesse of Salisburie, who married sir Richard Poole knight of the garter, descended of the ancient familie of the Pooles in Wales.
Richard Plantagenet,Richard Plantagenet. the third sonne to Richard duke of Yorke, was aduanced to the title and honor of the dukedome of Glocester, in the yeare of our re|demption 1461, being the first yeare of king Ed|ward the fourth, soone after his coronation. He was high constable of England: he maried Anne second daughter to Richard Neuill earle of Warwike and Salisburie. Which Richard after the death of his bro|ther king Edward the fourth, did by the murther of his nephues ascend to the highest gouernement of England, and was crowned king by the name of Richard the third.
Henrie Stafford, whome our chronicles doo in manie places corruptlie terme Edward,Henrie Staf|ford. was sonne to Humfrie earle Stafford, & was high constable of England, and duke of Buckingham. This man rai|sing warre against Richard the third vsurping the crowne, was in the first yeare of the reigne of the said Richard, being the yeare of Christ 1483, betraied by his man Humfrie Banaster (to whome being in distresse he fled for succour) and brought to Ri|chard the third then lieng at Salisburie, where the [page 870] said duke confessing all the conspiracie, was behea|ded without arreignement or iudgement, vpon the second of Nouember, in the said yere of our redemp|tion 1483, he maried Katharine the daughter of Ri|chard Wooduile, sister to quéene Elizabeth wife to Edward the fourth; & had issue, Edward duke of Buc|kingham, and Henrie earle of Wilshire, with two daughters, which were, Anne maried to George lord Hastings of whom is descended the erle of Hunting|ton now liuing, and Elizabeth married to Richard Ratcliffe lord Fitz Waters, of whome is issued sir Henrie Ratcliffe knight, now earle of Sussex.
Edward Stafford.Edward Stafford sonne to Henrie duke of Buc|kingham, being also duke of Bukingham after the death of his father was constable of England, earle of Hereford, Stafford, and Northhampton, being in the first yeare of Henrie the seuenth, in the yeare of our redemption 1485, restored to his fathers digni|ties and possessions. He is tearmed in the books of the law in the said thirtéenth yeare of Henrie the eight (where his arreignement is liberallie set downe) to be the floure & mirror of all courtesie. This man (as before is touched) was by Henrie the seuenth resto|red to his fathers inheritance, in recompense of the losse of his fathers life, taken awaie (as before is said) by the vsurping king Richard the third. He married Elianor the daughter of Henrie earle of Northumberland, and had issue Henrie lord Staf|ford (father to Henrie lord Stafford now liuing) and thrée daughters, Elizabeth married to Thomas Ho|ward earle of Surrie, Katharine married to Rafe Neuill earle of Westmerland, and Marie married to George Neuill lord of Aburgauennie. And thus much by Francis Thin touching the succession of the constables of England.]