[1] The duke desired that the witnesses might bée brought foorth. And then came before him Charles Kneuet, Perke, de la Court, & Hopkins the monke of the priorie of the Charterhouse beside Bath, which like a false hypocrite had induced the duke to the trea|son with his false forged prophesies. Diuerse pre|sumptions and accusations were laid vnto him by Charles Kneuet, which he would faine haue couered. The depositions were read, & the deponents deliuered as prisoners to the officers of the Tower. Then spake the duke of Norffolke, and said: My lord, the king our souereigne lord hath commanded that you shall haue his lawes ministred with fauour and right to you. [...] Hall. in [...] f [...]l. lxxxvj. Wherefore if you haue anie other thing to say for your selfe, you shall be heard. Then he was com|manded to withdraw him, and so was led into Para|dise, a house so named. The lords went to councell a great while, and after tooke their places.