[1] Sauing that (I that) I maie without offense saie, that (as the rumour then went) the cardinall chieflie procured the death of this noble man, no lesse fauou|red and beloued of the people of this realme in that season, than the cardinall himselfe was hated and en|uied. Which thing caused the dukes fall the more to be pitied and lamented, sith he was man of all [page 865] other, that chieflie went about to crosse the cardinall in his lordlie demeanor, & headie procéedings. But to the purpose. Shortlie after that the duke had béene in|dicted (as before ye haue heard) he was arreigned in Westminster hall,The duke of [...]ingham [...] at [...]minster. before the duke of Norffolke, be|ing made by the kings letters patents high steward of England, to accomplish the high cause of appeale of the péere or péeres of the realme, and to discerne and iudge the cause of the péeres.