[1] And furthermore, the same duke on the fourth of Nouember, in the eleuenth yere of the kings reigne, at east Greenwich in the countie of Kent, said vnto one Charles Kneuet esquier, after that the king had reprooued the duke for reteining William Bulmer knight into his seruice, that if he had perceiued that he should haue beene committed to the Tower (as he doub [...]ed hée should haue béene) hée would haue so wrought, that the principal dooers therein should not haue had cause of great reioising: for he would haue plaied the part which his father intended to haue put in practise against king Richard the third at Salis|burie, [...] who made earnest s [...]te to haue come vnto the presence of the same king Richard: which sute if he might haue obteined, he hauing a knife secretlie a|bout him, would haue thrust it into the bodie of king Richard, as he had made semblance to knéele downe before him. And in speaking these words, he malici|ouslie laid his hand vpon his dagger, and said, that if he were so euill vsed, he would doo his best to accom|plish his pretensed purpose, swearing to confirme his word by the bloud of our Lord.