[1] He said further at the same time to the said Gil|bert, that what so euer was doone by the kings father, was doone by wrong. And still he murmured a|gainst all that the king [...]hen presentlie reigning did. And further he said, that he knew himselfe to be so wicked a sinner,He was in a verie ill mind [...]f this were true. that he wanted Gods fauour: and therefore he knew, that what so euer he tooke in hand against the king had the woorse successe. And further|more, the said duke (to alienate the minds of the kings subiects from their dutifull obeisance towards the said king and his heires) on the twentith daie of September, in the first yeare of his reigne, being then at London, reported vnto the said Robert Gil|bert, that he had a certeine writing sealed with the kings great seale, comprehensing a certeine act of parlement, in the which it was enacted, that the duke of Summerset one of the kings progenitors was made legitimate:A certeine writing legi|timating the duke of Summerset. and further, that the said duke meant to haue deliuered the same writing vnto king Henrie the seuenth, but (said he) I would not that I had so doone for ten thousand pounds.