[1] Likewise, the twentith daie of October, in the se|uenth yeare of the kings reigne, and at diuerse other times, as well before as after,Robert Gil|bert the dukes chapleine and chancellor his errand to London. the said duke had sent his chancellor Robert Gilbert chapleine, vn|to London, there to buie certeine cloathes of gold, siluer, and veluets, euerie time so much as amoun|ted to the woorth of thrée hundred pounds; to the in|tent the said duke might bestow the same, as well vpon knights, esquiers, gentlemen of the kings house, and yeomen of his gard, as vpon other the kings subiects, to win their fauours and freendships to assist him in his euill purpose. Which cloathes the said Gilbert did buie, and brought the same vnto the said duke, who the twentith daie of Ianuarie, in the said seuenth yeare, & diuerse other daies and yeares before and after, did distribute and giue the same vn|to certeine of the kings subiects for the purpose afore [page 864] recited, as by the indictment it was inferred.