[1] [2] Againe, the said duke the twentith daie of Fe|bruarie, in the sixt yeare of the kings reigne, being at Thorneburie, spake these words vnto Rafe earle of Westmerland; Well, there are two new dukes created here in England, but if ought but good come to the king, the duke of Buckingham should be next in bloud to sucéed to the crowne. After this, the said duke on the sixtéenth daie of Aprill, in the said sixt yeare of the kings reigne, went in person vnto the priorie of Henton, and there had conference with the foresaid monke, Nicholas Hopkins, who told him, that he should be king. Wherevnto the duke said, that if it so chanced,The duke & the monke haue confe|rence saith the indict|ment. he would shew himselfe a iust and a righteous prince. The monke also told the duke, that he knew this by reuelation, and willed him in anie wise to procure the loue of the commons, the better to atteine his purposed intention.