[1] [2] Also the two and twentith of Iulie in the same fourth yeare,The monks reuelation was peremp|torie to the duke. the duke sent the same de la Court with letters vnto the said monke, to vnderstand of him further of such matters: and the monke told him againe for answer, that the duke should haue all. And being asked as well now, as before at the first time, how he knew this to be true: he said, By the grace of God. And with this answer de la Court now also returning, declared the same vnto the duke, the twentie fourth of Iulie at Thorneburie aforesaid. Moreouer, the said duke sent the same de la Court a|gaine to the said monke with his letters, the six and twentith of Aprill, in the fift yeare of the kings reigne, when the king was to take his iournie into France; requiring to vnderstand what should be|come of these warres: and whether the Scotish king should in the kings absence inuade the realme or not. The monke (among other things) for answer of these letters, sent the duke word,But herein the moonke lied. that the king should haue no issue male.