[1] Namelie, that the said duke intending to exalt him|selfe,The effect of the dukes [...]. and to vsurpe the crowne, the roiall power, and dignitie of the realme of England, and to depriue the kings maiestie thereof, that he the said duke might take vpon him the same; against his allegi|ance, had the tenth daie of March, in the second yéere of the kings maiesties reigne,The duke is [...] of [...] in Lon|don. and at diuerse other times before and after, imagined and compassed the kings death and destruction at London, & at Thorne|burie, in the countie of Glocester. And for the accom|plishment of his wicked intent and purpose (as in the indictment is alledged) the twentie and fourth daie of Aprill,Thus [...] had sent [...] of the [...] of Hentons [...] to the duke the [...], to [...] him to [...] ouer to [...] his chan|cellor, as by [...] other i| [...]ment ap| [...]ereth. in the fourth yéere of the kings reigne he sent one of his chapleins called Iohn de la Court, to the priorie of Henton in Summersetshire, which was an house of the Chartreux monks. The effect or substance of whose message was, to vnderstand of one Nicholas Hopkins, a monke of the same house (who was vainelie reputed by waie of reuelation to haue foreknowledge of things to come) what should happen concerning the matters which he had imagi|ned. Which monke, causing the said de la Court first to sweare vnto him, not to disclose his words to a|nie maner of person, but onelie to the duke his mai|ster: therewith declared, that his maister the said duke should haue all, willing him for the accomplish|ment of his purpose, to séeke to win the fauour of the people. De la Court came backe with this answer, and told it to the duke at Thorneburie the morrow after, being the twentie fift of Aprill.