[1] [2] The cardinall hauing gotten that which he sought for, incouraged, comforted, and procured Kneuet,The [...] imboider [...] Kneuet a|gainst the duke. with manie comfortable words and great promises, that he should with a bold spirit and countenance obiect and laie these things to the dukes charge, with more if he knew it when time required. Then Kneuet [page 863] partlie prouoked with desire to be reuenged, and part|lie mooued with hope of reward, openlie confessed, that the duke had once fullie determined to deuise meanes how to make the king away, being brought into a full hope that he should be king, by a vaine prophesie which one Nicholas Hopkins, a monke of an house of the Chartreux order beside Bristow, cal|led Henton, sometime his confessor had opened vnto him.