[1] [2] These so good and wholesome ordinances shortlie after were defeated by meanes of bribes giuen vnto the cardinall: for when the nobles and gentlemen,Bribes. which had for their pleasures imparked the common fields, were loth to haue the same againe disparked, they redéemed their vexation with good sommes of monie; and so had licence to keepe their parks and grounds inclosed as before. Thus the great expecta|tion which men had conceiued of a generall redresse, prooued void: howbeit, some profit the husbandmen in some parts of the realme got by the moouing of this matter, where inclosures were alreadie laid o|pen, yer mistresse monie could preuent them; and so they inioied their commons, which before had beene taken from them.