[1] On Wednesdaie the eleuenth of Iulie,The emperor commeth to Calis to king Henrie. the empe|rour and his aunt the ladie Margaret duchesse of Sauoy came with the king of England to the towne of Calis, and there continued in great ioy and so|lace, with feasting, banketting, dansing and masking vntill the fouretéenth of Iulie.

Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 927. Banketting house within the towne of Calis.

R [...]. Turpin.

¶ For the intertei|ning of these estates (the English lords and gentle|men displaced of their lodgings to serue the other and their traine) there was builded a banketting house eight hundred foot compasse, like a theatre, after a goodlie deuise, builded in such maner as (I thinke) was neuer séene, with sixtéene principals made of great masts, betwixt euerie mast foure and twentie foot, and all the outsides closed with boord and can|uas.