[1] [2] [3] With these two kings were associate by the order of armes, the duke of Uandosme, the duke of Suf|folke, the countie saint Paule, the marquesse Dor|set, monsieur de Roche, sir William Kingston, mon|sieur Brian, sir Richard Ierningham, monsieur Ca|naan, sir Giles Capell, monsieur Buccall, maister Nicholas Carew, monsieur Montafilion, and mai|ster Anthonie Kneuet. On mondaie the eleuenth of Iune,The two quéenes [...] at the camp [...]. the two quéenes of England and of France came to the campe, where either saluted other right honourablie, and went into a stage for them prepa|red. At the houre assigned, the two kings armed at all peeces mounted on horssebacke, and with their companies entered the field; the French king on a courser barded, couered with purple sattin, broched with gold, Ed. Hall in [...] fol. lxxv [...], &c. The French kings rich a|raie at these iusts. & embrodered with corbins fethers round and buckled, the fether was blacke and hatched with gold: on his head péece he bare a sléeue. All the par|teners of the French kings chalenge were in like ap|parell, euerie thing correspondent in cloath of silke embrodered, on his person were attendant on horsse|backe noble persons, and on foot foure persons all ap|parelled in purple sattin.