[1] [2] On saturdaie the ninth of Iune, [...] in a place with|in the English pale were set vp in a field called the campe, two trées of much honour, the one called the Aubespine, that is to saie, the hawthorne in English, for Henrie: and the other the Framboister, which in English signifieth the raspis berie, after the signi|fication in French. These trees were curiouslie wrought, the leaues of gréene damaske, the bran|ches, boughs, and withered leaues of cloath of gold; and all the bodies and armes of the same cloath of gold laid on timber: they were in height from the foot to the top thirtie foure foot of assize, in compasse a|bout an hundred twentie and nine foot, & from bough to bough fortie thrée foot: on these trées were flowers and fruits in kindlie wise, with siluer and Uenice gold: their beautie shewed farre.