[1] [2] The king of England had giuen vnto the said cardinall full authoritie, power, and libertie, to af|firme and confirme, bind and vnbind, whatsoeuer should be in question betwéene him and the French king: and the like authoritie, power, and libertie, did the French king by his sufficient letters patents,

Great credit committed to the cardinall by both the kings.

The inter|uiew of the two kings in the vale of Andren.

grant to the same cardinall, which was accepted to be a signe of great loue, that he should commit so great a trust vnto the king of Englands subiect. The daie of the meeting was appointed to be on the thurs|daie the seauenth of Iune, vpon which daie the two kings met in the vale of Andren, accompanied with such a number of the nobilitie of both realmes, so richlie appointed in apparell, and costlie iewels, as chaines, collars of SS, & other the like ornaments to set foorth their degrees and estates, that a woonder it was to behold and view them in their order and roomes, which euerie man kept according to his ap|pointment.