[1] [2] Now like as diuerse of the French nobilitie had visited the king of England whilest he laie in Calis, so likewise the lord cardinall, as ambassadour to the king, rode with a noble repaire of lords, gentle|men, and prelates, to the towne of Ard, where he was of the French king highlie interteined, with great thanks, for that by his meanes hée had ioined in friendship with the king of England, to his high con|tentation and pleasure, as hauing obteined the thing which he had long desired. The noble port, sumptuous shew,The great pompe of car|dinall Wooisie. and great traine of gentlemen, knights, lords, and number of seruants, in rich apparell & sutes of li|ueries attendant on the cardinall, made the French men greatlie to woonder at his triumphant dooings.