[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The emperour remained in Canturburie till the thursdaie, being the last of Maie, Edw. Hall. and then taking leaue of the king, and of his aunt the queene, depar|ted to Sandwich, where he tooke his ships and sailed into Flanders. The same daie, the king made saile from the port of Douer,The king [...] at Calis and landed at Calis about eleuen of the clocke, and with him the quéene and la|dies, & manie nobles of the realme. His grace was receiued into the checker, and there rested. The fourth of Iune, the king and quéene with all their traine re|mooued from Calis, to his princelie lodging newlie erected beside the towne of Guisnes, the most noble & roiall lodging that euer before was seene. ¶ For it was a palace, the which was quadrant, Ed. Hall. in [...] fol. lxxiij. The descrip|tiõ of the new palace before Guisnes. and euerie quadrant of the same palace was thrée hundred and twentie eight foot long of assise, which was in com|passe thirtéene hundred and twelue foot about. This palace was set on stages by great cunning & sump|tuous worke.