[1] [2] In the beginning of Aprill, Edw. Hall. the said earle passed ouer into Ireland, and had with him diuerse gentle|men that had béene in the garrison of Tornaie, and one hundred yeomen of the kings gard, and others, to the number of a thousand men,Good seruice doone by the earle of Sur|rie. where he by his manhood and policie brought the earle of Desmond and diuerse other rebels to good conformitie and or|der. He continued there two yeares, in which space he had manie bickerings and skirmishes with the wild Irish. There rested yet the earle of Northum|berland, whome the cardinall doubted also, Polydor. least he might hinder his purpose, when he should go about to wreake his malice against the duke of Bucking|ham: and therefore he picked a quarell to him,The earle of Northumber|land commit|ted to prison. for that he had seized vpon certeine wards which the car|dinall said apperteined of right to the king. And bi|cause the earle would not giue ouer his title, he was also committed to prison, & after tooke it for a great benefit at the cardinals hands, that he might be deli|uered out of his danger.