[1] When they departed, the king and the foure ho|stages of France, and the earle of Deuonshire with six other yoong gentlemen entered the chamber,A maske of youthfull courtiers. of the which six were all in yellow sattin, hose, shooes, and caps, and six other were in like maner in greene: the yelow sattin was fretted with siluer of damaske, and so was the greene verie richlie to behold: then euerie masker tooke a ladie and dansed. When they had dansed and communed a great while, their visors were taken off, and they knowne, and the king gaue manie brooches and proper gifts where he liked.] In the moneth of Nouember the king came from Lambeth to Westminster hall,The king [...]t|teth in the Starcham|ber in iudge|ment. and so to the Star|chamber, and there were brought before him the lord Ogle, the lord Howard, sir Matthew Browne, sir William Bulmer, and Iohn Scot of Camerwell, for diuerse riots, misdemeanors, & offenses by them committed: but the king speciallie rebuked sir Wil|liam Bulmer knight, bicause he being his seruant sworne, refused the kings seruice, and became ser|uant [page 853] to the duke of Buckingham: yet at length vp|on his humble crauing of mercie, still knéeling on his knées before his grace, the king pardoned him his offense: and likewise he pardoned the lord Ho|ward, and sir Matthew Browne, their offenses: but bicause the lord Ogles matter concerned murther, he remitted him to the common law. And then he rose and went to his barge, and by the waie made Iames Yarford maior of the citie of London knight, and so returned to Lambeth.