[1] [page 851] The death of the emperour Maximilian [...]. pag 763.In this yeare the twelfe of Februarie, died the emperour Maximilian, for whome the king caused a solemne obsequie to be kept in Poules church. ¶ Hée died at Luiz, a towne vpon the marches of Austrich, where he remained for his delight and plesure in hunting the wild bore, and other chases of the field. He liued alwaies vnder one condition of fortune, [...] description of the empe| [...]s qualities. who manie times fauoured him, in offering him ma|nie faire occasions, & as often wrought against him in not suffering him to take the fruit and effect of them. He was by nature inconstant and remooue|able, and had conceipts and impressions verie ill dis|posed and different from the iudgement of other men, ioined to an excessiue prodigalitie and dissipati|on of monie.