[1] About the end of March, the king sent for all the yeomen of the gard that were come from Tornaie,The [...] of [...] rewarde [...]. and after manie good words giuen to them, he gran|ted to euerie of them foure pence the daie without attendance, except they were speciallie commanded. Abr. Fl. ex [...] ¶ And here it seemeth requisit to adde the report of a forreine chronicler touching the league of amitie and conditions of the same, knit vp in breuitie and good tearmes as followeth. Now (saith he) the differences betwéene the French and English were also recon|ciled. And for the more stabilitie of which agreement, it was confirmed with a contract of parentage and aliance, wherein the king of England promised to giue his onelie daughter, to whome hauing no sons, there was hope of the descending & succession of the kingdome to the Dolphin the eldest sonne of the crowne of France,The porti [...] giuẽ with [...] kings daugh|ter of Eng|land. adding for a portion foure hun|dred thousand duckets. Both the one and the other bore yet so tender age, that infinit accidents might happen, before perfection of yeeres would make them able to establish matrimonie. There was made betwene them a league defensiue, wherin were com|prehended Cesar, and the king of Spaine, in case they would ratifie it in a certeine time.