[1] Thus was Tornaie deliuered in this tenth yeare of the kings reigne, on the eight daie of Februarie, & the Englishmen returned into England, sore dis|pleased in their minds. For thereby manie a tall yeo|man lacked liuing, the which would not labour after their returne, but fell to robbing, pilfering, shifting, and other extraordinarie meanes of maintenance, whereas before they were staied vpon a certeintie of hope, so long as they had allowance by the king. So that this resignation of Tornaie, though it were an|swerable to the desire of the French king, and com|modious for his people, yet that benefit of theirs bred [page 850] to the English soldiors detriment and losse: who wi|shed in their harts to haue left their liues behind them in defense of possession, rather than it should re|uert into the hands of them, by whome it was surren|dred & giuen vp to the English power, whom (bicause they were not able to incounter) they let in at their gates by a voluntarie motion and common consent for their better safetie, as a late writer witnesseth:
Angligenas passis intra sua moenia portisSponte intromittens.