[1] Diuerse sorts of maskes were shewed also that night: and at euerie side of the palace a great cup|boord of massie plate of much greatnesse was set, the French king welcomming the lords and ambas|sadours with good countenance.] Here is to be re|membred, that immediatlie after the conclusion of the marriage, a rumor was raised, that the Dolphin was dead before, and that this marriage was but a colourable pretext, deuised of the Frenchmen for a policie to come by their purpose: and therefore, after that the English ambassadours had beene feasted and interteined with banketting and princelie pastime, the bishop of Elie, with sir Thomas Bullen, and sir Richard Weston, were appointed to go vnto Coniacke to see the Dolphin, where they were hono|rablie receiued, and brought vnto the presence of the Dolphin, being a goodlie yoong child, whome they kis|sed and imbraced in most louing wise.