[1] [2] The ambassadours after this were dailie in coun|cell, till at length an agréement was concluded, vn|der pretense of a marriage to be had betweene the Dolphin of France, and the ladie Marie, daugh|ter to the king of England: in name of whose mar|riage monis Tornaie should be deliuered vnt [...] the French king, he paieng to the king of England for the castell which he had made in that citie;Articles of [...]gréement [...] the deliuer [...] of Torna [...]. six hun|dred thousand crownes, to be paid in twelue yeares space, that is to saie, fiftie thousand euerie yeare du|ring that terme. And if the marriage chanced not to take effect, then should Tornaie be againe restored to the king of England. For performance of which article, hostages should be deliuered, that is to wit, monsieur de Montmorancie, monsieur de Montpe|sac, monsieur de Moie, monsieur de Morret. Moreo|uer the French king should paie to the lord cardinall of England a thousand marks of yearelie pension, in recompense of his reuenues before time receiued of the bishoprike of Tornaie: and likewise to other of the kings councell he should also giue certeine summes of monie as yearelie pensions, in like ma|ner as his ancestors had doone to the councellors of the kings of England before time.