[1] [2] When these lords were in their lodgings, then the French harder men opened their wares, & made the tailors hall like the paund of a mart. At this doo|ing manie an Englishman grudged, but it auailed not. The last daie of September, the French ambas|sadours tooke their barge,The French ambassadors come to the court. and came to Greenewich. The admerall was in a gowne of cloath of siluer rai|sed, furred with rich sables; and all his companie al|most were in a new fashioned garment, called a she|mew, which was in effect a gowne cut in the middle. The gentlemen of France were brought into the kings presence, where the bishop of Paris made a solemne oration; which being ended, & answer made thereto, the king highlie interteined the admerall and his companie, and so did all the English lords and gentlemen.]