[1] [2] In this meane time the French king greatlie co|ueting to redeeme the citie of Tornaie out of the hands of the king of England, and knowing that he must make waie therevnto thorough the cardinals fréendship, ceassed not with high gifts to win his good will, and moreouer in often writing to him, ex|alted him with titles of honor,The French king writeth to cardinall Woolsie. and so magnified him, that the cardinall, as one tickled with vaine-glorie more than can be imagined, thought that he could not doo pleasure enough to the French king, that did estéeme so much of him. Herevpon the French king hoping to compasse his desire, after he perceiued the cardinals good will towards him, signified his mea|ning vnto the said cardinall; who found meanes to breake thereof to the king, in such wise as he was contented to heare the French kings ambassadors, that should be sent hither to talke of that matter.