[1] [2] [3] [4] This man obteined for the cardinall, authoritie to dispense with all men for offenses committed a|gainst the spirituall lawes, which part of his power legantine was verie profitable and gainefull. For then he set vp a court, and called it the court of the legat: in the which he prooued testaments,The court of the legat erec|ted by the car|dinall. and heard causes, to the great hinderance of all the bishops of this realme. He visited bishops, and all the cleargie exempt and not exempt, and vnder colour of refor|mation he got much treasure. For thorough bribes & rewards, notorious offendors were dispensed with, so that nothing was reformed, but came to more mis|chéefe. The example of his pride,Examples of great ones what it dooth. caused préests and all spirituall persons to wax so proud, that they ruf|fled it out in veluet and silks, which they ware both in gounes, iackets, doublets, and shooes. They vsed o|pen lecherie, and bare themselues so stout by reason of his authorities and faculties, that no man durst reprooue any thing in them. So that we sée here vere|fied in proofe how forcible the examples of great men be in the inferior sort; as the wise man truelie saith:
Qualis erit princeps, talis praefectus habetur,Gu. Ha. in Eccl. cap. 10.Nobilitas qualis, plebs quoque talis erit.