Snippet: 337 of 1192 (1587, Volume 6, p. 845)
[2] There were at the same
time other legats sent in|to other parts of Christendome about the same
mat|ter, as into France, Spaine, and Germanie.
Sée after in the extract out of Guicci|ardine.
A craftie feare of the pope.
For pope Leo calling to remembrance, that the feare con|ceiued of
the Turkes had brought no small gaines to diuerse of his predecessors, he
began to feare too. But for that such feare was now too well knowne to be
v|sed as an ordinarie shift of the popes, when they stood in néed of monie,
this practise was at this time vsed in vaine; so that Campeius hearing that
it tooke not place in other parties, left off his earnest sute a|bout it,
and with great rewards receiued of the king and cardinall, returned to Rome,
not without hope yet (by reason of promises made vnto him by his fréends)
that the popes request might hereafter be granted, according to his motion.
There attended him to Rome one Iohn Clearke a lawier, as am|bassadour from
the king.