[1] This maladie was so cruell, that it killed some within thrée houres, some within two houres,The sweting sicknesse per|emptorie and deadlie. some merrie at dinner, and dead at supper. Manie died in the kings court, the lord Clinton, the lord Graie of Wilton, and manie knights, gentlemen, and offi|cers. For this plague Michaelmasse tearme was adiourned. And bicause that this maladie continued from Iulie to the midst of December, the king kept himselfe euer with a small companie, and held no solemne Christmasse, willing to haue no resort for feare of infection: but much lamented the number of his people, for in some one towne halfe the people died, and in some other towne the third part, the sweat was so feruent and infectuous. [By the extre|mitie whereof, Abr. Flem, and the multitudes with such sudden|nesse and present mortalitie dropping awaie: it should seeme that they little remembred, or at least|wise neglected the preseruatiue remedie vsed in the first great sweating sickenesse in Sée before. pag. 763, 764 king Henrie the seuenths time, whereby as then manie a mans life was saued, so now the like benefit (by applieng of the same wholsome meanes) might haue redounded to the patients.]