[1] [2] Then were the prisoners that were iudged brought to those places of execution: and executed in most ri|gorous maner, in the presence of the lord Edmund Howard son to the duke of Norffolke, & knight mar|shall, who shewed no mercie, but extreme crueltie to the poore yoonglings in their execution: Edw. Hall. in Hen. 8. fol. lxij. and likewise the dukes seruants spake manie opprobrious words, some bad hang, some bad draw, some bad set the citie on fire, but all was suffered. On thursdaie the se|uenth of Maie, was Lincolne, Shirwin, and two bre|thren called Bets, and diuerse other adiudged to die. Then Lincolne said, My lords, I meant well: for if you knew the mischiefe that is insued in this realme by strangers, you would remedie it, & manie times I haue complained, and then I was called a busie fel|low: now our Lord haue mercie on me. They were laid on hardels, & drawne to the standard in Cheape; and first was Iohn Lincolne executed.Iohn Lin|colne the au|thor of ill Maie daie executed in Cheape side. And as the other had the ropes about their neckes, there came a commandement from the king to respit the execu|tion. Then the people cried, God saue the king, and so was the oier and terminer deferred till another daie, and the prisoners sent againe to ward: the armed men departed out of London, and all things set in quiet.