[1] [2] [3] And the same law holdeth of an insurrection (said Fineux) made against the statute of laborers. For so (said he) it came to passe, that certeine persons with|in the countie of Kent began an insurrection, in dis|obedience of the statute of labourers, and were at|teinted therfore of high treason, and had iudgement to be drawne, hanged, and quartered. He shewed where and when this chanced. It was further deter|mined by the said Fineux, and all the iustices of the land, that vpon the said commission of oier and terminer in London, the iustices named in the said commission,Order for pro|ceeding a|gainst the said offendors. might not arreigne the offendors, and proceed to the triall in one selfe daie, no more than might the iustices of peace. But iustices in oier might so doo, aswell as the iustices of gaole deliuerie: and as the sufficiencie of the iurors within the citie to passe betwixt the king and the said traitors, the iu|stices determined, that he that had lands, and goods, to the value of an hundred marks, should be inabled to passe vpon the said indictments. And this by the equitie of the statute of Anno vndecimo Henrici septi|mi, the which will, that no man be admitted to passe in anie inquest in London in a plée of lands, or other action, in which the damages shall passe the value of fourtie shillings, except he be woorth in lands or goods the value of an hundred markes.