20.1. The statute made in anno tertio of Henrie the fift.

The statute made in anno tertio of Henrie the fift.

[1] _BIcause that diuers nations com|prised within the truces conclu|ded as well by our souereigne lord the king that now is, as by his right noble father, haue beene robbed and spoiled by the kings lieges and subiects, as well on the maine seas as within the ports and coasts of England, Ireland, & Wales, by reason whereof, the truces and safe con|ducts haue broken and violated, to the da|mage, dishonour, and slander of the king, and against his dignitie, & the manslaiers, spoilers, robbers, & violaters of the same truces and safe conducts (as before is de|clared) haue beene recetted, procured, coun|selled, vpholden, and mainteined by diuerse of the kings liege people vpon the coasts: our said souereigne lord the king by the ad|uise and assent abouesaid, and at the praier of the said commons, hath ordeined and e|stablished, that all such manslaiers,This statute bringeth the rioters w [...]|in compasse of treason. rob|bers, spoilers, breakers of truces, and safe conducts granted by the king, and the wil|full recetters, abbetters, procurers, coun|sellors, susteiners and mainteiners of such persons, hereafter in time to come, being [page 843] anie of the lieges & subiects of this realme of England, Ireland, & Wales, are to be adiudged and determined as giltie of high treason committed against the crowne & dignitie of the king. And further, in euerie hauen and port of the sea, there shall be from hense-foorth made and assigned by the king, by his letters pattents, one lawfull officer named a conseruator of truces and safe conducts granted by the king, which officer shall dispend at the least ten pounds in land by yeare, &c: as in the statute more at large is expressed.