[1] Now vpon examination it could neuer be prooued of anie méeting, gathering, talking, or conuenticle, at anie daie or time before that daie; but that the chance so happened without anie matter prepensed of anie creature sauing Lincolne, and neuer an ho|nest person in maner was taken but onelie he. Then proclamations were made, that no women should come togither to babble and talke, but all men should kéepe their wiues in their houses. All the stréets that were notable stood full of harnessed men, which spake manie opprobri [...]us words to the citizens, which grée|ued them sore: and if they would haue béene reuen|ged, the other had had the woorsse: for the citizens were two hundred to one, but like true subiects they suffred patientlie.] Now for the due correction (accor|ding to law) of this disorder, all the iustices with all the kings councell learned in the lawes, assembled at the house of sir Iohn Fincur lord cheefe iustice of England néere to saint Brides by Fléetestréet,Sir Iohn Fineux. to take aduise, and conclude vpon the order which they should follow in this matter, and first there was read the statute of the third yeare of Henrie the fift, the ef|fect whereof insueth in these words following.