[1] [2] Manie fled, and speciallie the watermen, preests, & seruingmen, but the prentises were caught by the backs and had to prison. In the meane time, whilest the hottest of this ruffling lasted, the cardinall was aduertised thereof by sir Thomas Parre: wherevp|on the cardinall strengthened his house with men and ordinance. Sir Thomas Parre rode in all [...]ast to Richmond,Sir Thomas Parre infor|meth the king of the riot and rebellion. where the king laie, and informed him of the matter; who incontinentlie sent foorth hastilie to London, to vnderstand the state of the citie, and was truelie aduertised how the riot was ceassed, and manie of the misdooers apprehended. The lieutenant of the Tower sir Roger Cholmeleie (no great fréend to the citie) in a frantike furie, during the time of this vprore, shot off certeine péeces of ordinance against the citie. And though they did no great harme; yet he wan much euill will for his hastie dooing, bicause men thought he did it of malice, rather than of anie discretion.