[1] [2] After that, they ran headlong into Cornehill, & there likewise spoiled diuerse houses of the French men that dwelled within the gate of maister Mew|tas house called Gréene gate. This maister Mewtas was a Picard borne, and reputed to be a great bea|rer of Frenchmen in their occupiengs and trades, contrarie to the lawes of the citie.The rioters malicious purpose a|gainst one Mewtas. If the people had found him, they would suerlie haue striken off his head: but when they found him not, the watermen and certeine yoong préests that were there fell to rif|ling, and some ran to Blanchapelton, and brake vp the strangers houses, and spoile [...] them. Thus from ten or eleuen of the clocke, these riotous people con|tinued in their outragious dooings till about three of the clocke, at what time they began to withdraw, and went to their places of resort: and by the waie they were taken by the maior and the heads of the citie, and sent some of them to the Tower, some to New|gate, and some to the Counters, to the number of thrée hundred.