[1] The maior and shiriffes were present there, and made proclamation in the kings name, but nothing was obeied.The raging madnesse of the mutiners. Herewith being gathered in plumpes, they ran thorough saint Nicholas shambles, and at saint Martins gate there met with them sir Tho|mas More, and others, desiring them to go to their lodgings. And as they were thus intreating, and had almost persuaded the people to depart, they within saint Martins threw out stones, bats, and hot water; so that they hurt diuerse honest persons that were there with sir Thomas More, persuading the rebelli|ous persons to ceasse, insomuch as at length one Ni|cholas Downes a sergeant of armes being there with the said sir Thomas More,Nicholas Downes sore hurt. & sore hurt amongst others, in a furie, cried; Downe with them. And then all the misruled persons ran to the [...]ores and win|dowes of the houses with saint Martins, and spoiled all that they found.