[1] [2] On the eight and twentith daie of Aprill, Anno Reg. 9. Strangers iniuriouslie abused of di|uerse yoon|kers. diuerse yoong men of the citie piked quarels to certeine strangers as they passed by the stréets, some they did strike, some they buffeted, and some they threw into the kennell: wherfore the maior sent some of the Eng|lishmen to prison, as Stephan Studleie skinner, Bets, Stephanson, and diuerse other. Then sudden|lie rose a secret rumour, and no man could tell how it began, that on Maie daie next the citie would re|bell and slea all the aliens, insomuch that diuerse strangers fled out of the citie. This brute ran so into euerie mans eares, that it came to the knowledge of the kings councell, wherevpon the lord cardinall sent for the maior, and other of the councell of the citie, gi|uing them to vnderstand what he had heard.