[1] This abuse was much noted, so that the same and manie other oppressions doone by them, increased such a malice in the Englishmens harts, that at the last it burst out. For amongst other that sore grud|ged at these matters, there was a broker in Lon|don called Iohn Lincolne,Iohn Lin|colne the [...]|thor of the [...]|surrection [...] ill Maie [...] that busied himselfe so farre in the matter, that about Palme sundaie in this eight yeare of the kings reigne, he came to one doctor Henrie Standish with these words; Sir I vnderstand that you shall preach at the sanctuarie spittle on mondaie in Easter wéeke, and so it is, that Englishmen, both merchants and other are vndoone, for strangers haue more libertie in this land than Englishmen, which is against all reason, and also against the common-weale of the realme. I beséech you therefore to declare this in your sermon, and in so dooing yée shall deserue great thanks of my lord maior, and of all his brethren: and héerewith he of|fered vnto the said doctor Standish a bill, conteining this matter more at large.